By visiting, you (as a visitor or account holder) are legally bound to these Terms of Service and
agree to follow them. You also agree to any changes made to the Terms of Service at any time. Updates made to the Terms of Service will be in effect immediately.
• We are not responsible for losses or fees as a result of viewing or using This includes computer issues or credit purchases.
• We are not responsible for content, advertising, or links posted by any individuals on or off the site.
• We are not responsible for any content players post, such as information or links, nor information found on other websites linked to profiles, forums, private messages, or anywhere else on Any information is posted at the user's discretion.
• Credits purchased from are non-refundable.
• We reserve the right to ban accounts that break this Terms of Service agreement. Banned accounts are not eligible for appeal, refunds, or compensation.
• Credit subscriptions may be canceled by 4dopt staff if the account holder has not been online for 3+ months.
• Silences and bans on 4dopt may be applied to other games managed under 4dopt's server (these include Warrenz and Leporidae).
By visiting, you (as a visitor or account holder) are legally bound to these Terms of Service and
agree to follow them. You also agree to any changes made to the Terms of Service at any time. Updates made to the Terms of Service will be in effect immediately.
• We are not responsible for losses or fees as a result of viewing or using This includes computer issues or credit purchases.
• We are not responsible for content, advertising, or links posted by any individuals on or off the site.
• We are not responsible for any content players post, such as information or links, nor information found on other websites linked to profiles, forums, private messages, or anywhere else on Any information is posted at the user's discretion.
• Credits purchased from are non-refundable.
• We reserve the right to ban accounts that break this Terms of Service agreement. Banned accounts are not eligible for appeal, refunds, or compensation.
• Credit subscriptions may be canceled by 4dopt staff if the account holder has not been online for 3+ months.
• Silences and bans on 4dopt may be applied to other games managed under 4dopt's server (these include Warrenz and Leporidae).
Interactions, pictures, and all other content must be kept appropriate for a PG-13 rating. No sexual content, excessive violence, or excessive swearing.
4dopt maintains a teen rating, meaning that some sensitive content may be present such as mild gore, uncanny valley, innuendos, etc, based on content submitted by 4dopt's users.
For this reason, 4dopt has a tagging system and a block system to be used to censor content that makes users uncomfortable. It is the user's sole responsibility to block content accordingly.
Users may not police what artists choose to draw or pester artists to change their artwork based on discomfort. If the content is known to be offensive, bullying, or illegal, please report this using the Contact Us form to submit a request for removal. Please note that this is a request, and if the content is deemed safe under a teen rating and does not conflict with 4dopt's Terms of Service, it may not be removed.
Until we have bilingual staff, we can only allow English to be used in public areas of the site. You are welcome to speak any language over private messages, bearing in mind that staff will not be able to read them when looking into issues such as scamming. We are not responsible for any issues that come up when other languages are used.
Do not argue with, insult, bribe, or otherwise attempt to harass or manipulate staff. If a staff member ceases discussion of a topic, continued discussion of the topic may result in warnings, silencing, or bans.
Failure to follow direction from staff may also lead to an official warning. Repeat offences may lead to a permanent silence or ban on one or more of the user's accounts.
Due to the blocking system being unusable by staff, users found to be harassing staff will be silenced without prior warning.
If a user is not looking for something (such as buying/selling an adopt, item, or other goods or services, including requests for friending), you may ask about it once. Repeated requests or attempts to bribe or pester a user over solicitation (that's not being offered) may result in warnings, silencing, or bans. This includes getting other users to ask on your behalf, or other means of pestering.
Be polite and courteous to your fellow players. Any form of harassment will not be tolerated and may lead to warnings, silencing, or bans.
Users must be of the age required for consent to data processing. This age varies by country, being 13 in most countries including the US and UK, but is 16 elsewhere in the EEA. Any user found to be under age is in violation of the TOS.
Official site content on is copyrighted. Redistributing or selling official artwork or coding without expressed written permission is punishable by law.
Do not attempt to bypass a user's choice to block your account, item, or species. Do not request that the block be lifted. Any form of block evasion is strictly prohibited. This also includes modification of tags to avoid blocks and silence evasion.
Attempts to evade silences and bans is also prohibit. Using alternate accounts or other means to evade bans is a violation of this rule.
Do not engage in or discuss illicit activities in a promotional way. This includes pirating, fraud, and any other illegal activity.
Do not get into discussions or debate about real life politics, religion, abuse, suicide, genocide, abuse, or other sensitive topics. 4dopt is not the place for it. No discussion, debate, and joking about serious subjects. Broad mentions of these topics should be kept vague and tactful.
This includes real life abuse of animals, which is not allowed to be depicted on 4dopt. Although users own and breed fictional animals on 4dopt, there should be no realistic depictions of animal abuse and controversial practices. For example, we do not allow mentions of ear cropping in dogs. However, artists may depict their fictional dog species with the appearance of cropped ears, assuming that they are a fictional species that is born that way. Likewise, we do not allow portrayals of abuse, but adoptables may have injuries or scars from non abusive sources.
Hate speech, discrimination, targeting, impersonation, or other forms of harassment will not be tolerated on Anyone found to be instigating or involved in fights may face warnings, silencing, or bans on the site.
When selling services, both parties must follow through. Any on-site transaction that relies on a player's word or honor must be kept.
Staff will try to assist with onsite scams, but cannot guarantee results if the scam can't be directly proven in our records. We are not responsible for any scamming activity that takes place offsite, involves transactions of an offsite currency (such as real money), or scams that our records cannot prove (such as a trade for artwork that could have been delivered offsite).
Cheating the site in order to gain adopts, stats, items, or other advantages are strictly forbidden. This includes the exploitation of bugs (exploitable bugs should be reported through the Contact Us form.
Do not attempt to troubleshoot an exploitable bug yourself or modifications/hacking that gives the user an unfair advantage.
Anything that is unfairly gained through a bug exploit (items, points, adopts, etc.) whether intentional or not may be revoked based on staff discression.
Offsite Trading
While offsite trading is allowed, the following rules apply:
- Trading is only allowed on websites where offsite trading is also allowed
- We are not responsible for any offsite trading scamming.
Offsite Content is not responsible for off-site content or links to offsite content. Dangerous off-site links found to be posted on will be removed by staff as soon as they are seen. Do not post harmful links of any kind, or ones that give out personal information (such as social media sites like Facebook).
Reports that are not related to copyright must be made within 1 month of the initial occurrence. Staff will try to assist with late reports, but are not responsible for problems that may have come up in the past later than 1 month ago if the incident was not reported within that timeframe. collects as little data as possible and offers options for opting in or out of having data collected at any time.
The following personal information is collected from users who sign up on
- Email address
- IP addresses
- Browser and machine details.
What we use it for
We collect the above information for history, tracking, and other on-site purposes. The information is visible only to our on-site staff and is not shared publicly on or off the site to any other individuals or third parties.
Posted content
Do not post any personal, identifying information publicly on such as names, addresses, emails, phone numbers, or real life names on the forums, in usernames, adopt/species names, descriptions, or anywhere else that is publicly visible on the site. and its staff are not responsible for personal information that is shared publicly or privately off or on the site, or issues that result from the sharing of personal or identifying information. It is up to the account holder to use discretion when engaging online.
Removal of information:
Any information that is posted publicly or via private messages will be removed upon request by the account holder. Requests for removal can be made through the Contact Us form.
We require the collection of email, IP addresses, and browsing/machine details for account holders to continue using their account, so if removal of this information requested, the account will be removed.
Third Party Cookies
Third party vendors, including Google, use cookies to serve ads based on a user's prior visits to Google's use of advertising cookies enables it and its partners to serve ads based on your visit to and other websites. Users may opt out of personalized advertising by visiting is an adoptables site that allows users to submit their own artwork and content for use on the site. We respect the copyright of all content creators. We do not claim copyright ownership of user submitted artwork or other content.
1. A license agreement must be signed by all artists involved for the content to be released into the game.
2. Artists must be the copyright holders of their work. Any user-uploaded artwork found on the site that violates copyright will be removed. This includes tracing and heavily referencing artwork or photographs that are copyrighted by another individual, and use of stock imagery or screenshots. This also includes work that the artist originally owned the copyrights to, but sold to another individual (in the case of commissions in which copyright were transferred to the buyer).
3. Copyrighted work (that is not owned by the artist) may NOT be used without expressed written permission from the artist. This includes in 'art shop' or other artwork advertisements including forum topics, banners, and chat announcements without clear and highly visible disclaimers. Sharing images in chats and forums is fine, if you wish to show off the adoptables and items you have found, but posting these images as Original Characters, for promotion/advertising, or in galleries is not permitted without the artist's written permission and guidance according to their terms.
4. If the copyright to an item or species is given away or sold by the artist, that item/species will be REMOVED from the site and the artist will no longer be allowed to participate (permanently) as an artist on 4dopt.
Copyright infringement will result in warnings and account termination.
See the Contact Us form for reporting copyright infringement.
Terms for creators:
1. is not liable for personal losses and other incidents related to user submitted content.
2. All user submitted content is moderated by the site staff.
3. is not to be used for artwork storage. If a species goes unused (not released) for over 1 year, it may be deleted from our server to make room for released species. You will be notified via your account inbox a month in advance if this is scheduled to happen.
4. Make sure you have all of your artwork files saved. is not responsible for loss of files.
5. Duplicate species or multiple species with the same artwork base is not allowed.
6. Creations must not discriminate or incite violence or hate toward others.
7. Artwork must maintain a teen (PG-13) rating. Mild gore and innuendos are allowed with proper tags as long as they are not in poor taste, hateful, or targeting of a specific group. No sexual content or extreme gore is permitted.
8. Humanoid species must be tasteful and not mimic or represent any real person or culture.
9. All species and items must have some visible and distinguishable content. Submissions that appear invisible/blank are not permitted (with the exception of placeholder files used for evolutions).
10. Users applying to become site artists must submit a gallery containing at least 5 unique pieces of artwork that are drawn solely by the applicant. At least 3/5 unique examples must be digital artwork. Additional artwork using bases is allowed as long as all base work is credited. Additional traced artwork is allowed in galleries ONLY as long as the original creator is credited. Traced artwork being uploaded on 4dopt, however, is prohibited and will not be tolerated in any form. Artist portfolio applications must be SFW (safe for work) and appropriate for all audiences.
Guidelines for creators:
1. Species artwork canvases must be a perfect square with a maximum size of 500 pixels by 500 pixels.
2. Item artwork canvases must be 100x100 pixels.
Marking Rules:
Species/item artwork must not contain any markings or addons that could mimic genitals or other content that's not appropriate for a PG-13 rating. Keep in mind that species artwork can be changed to colors such as pink or red, so species artwork should be treated with worst-case scenario recolors in mind. Crotch markings, protrusions, and tufts of hair in the central waist area should therefore be avoided, unless the area will always match the color of the majority of the body so as not to be recolored in an inappropriate way.
If artwork that has already been approved is found to have inappropriately recolored parts, affected adopts may be censored by staff. Artists involved will be contacted and given 3 days to update the artwork. If no update is made, staff reserve the right to remove or otherwise censor the artwork or species/item from the site.
Parody Rules:
Species/items must not violate copyright laws. References can be made in a comedic way as long as the reference falls under fair use copyright laws. Artists making references to copyrighted material must be transparent about the source when communicating with staff. If staff find that references are too close to the original copyrighted material, the item/species will need to be edited for approval. To avoid this happening, use the Contact Us form to discuss concepts with staff ahead of time.
The license agreement allows creators to officially release their species/items into the game. By signing this agreement, you agree to give 4dopt permission to retain your artwork on our site for on-site purposes. The content cannot be deleted until no adopts of this species are in use on the site. You also give permission to edit or remove your content if needed for the site such as in the case of censoring, bug fixes, or other necessary alterations from the original submission.
This license expires when all remaining adoptables of its species are no longer being used on user accounts, and when the species creator or staff member deletes the species.
In order to sign this agreement, you must be the owner of the artwork that was submitted.
All content on must be appropriate for a PG-13 rating and not fall into our definition of 'inappropriate' which includes anatomically correct features on animals, excessive blood, and other questionable content.
Inappropriate names resulting from the random generator for adoptables may be reported through the Contact Us form. The owner of an adoptable with an innapropriate randomly generated name will not be held accountable since these RNG names are not chosen by the player.
If deemed to be inappropriate by staff, inappropriate names will be blocked from the name generator. The reported adoptable will be given a random name re-roll. Other adoptables with the same name may be left as-is or re-rolled based on staff discression.
Adoptable names may also be re-rolled in cases of bugs and errors in the name as well. Staff must use the RNG re-roller to correct inappropriate names and bugs. No custom renames are permitted.
4dopt is meant to be a place where artists of any skill level can upload their art and develop their skills. We do not allow negative comments or critique that have not been directly requested by the artist. If you have something negative to say, ask the artist first whether they want to receive potentially negative critique, and remember to keep critique constructive so that artists can know how to improve.
You may sell (for real money) artwork and graphic services on a commission basis, or items/adoptables that you made as long as you are the sole creator. This means that if you created a Flower Dog species, you may offer Flower Dogs for offsite currency, BUT you may NOT offer Flower Dogs with a hat accessory if the hat accessory was created by another artist.
As an exception, you may sell Flower Dogs with hat accessory if the artist for the accessory has a notice in their profile granting you expressed written permission for the sale.
Users found to be offering real money services or sales involving artwork they did not create will be warned, banned, or have artist access revoked.
4dopt does not take responsibility for real money transactions and it not liable for scams. We have no ability to track, view, or enforce payments involving offsite currency, nor are we capable of punishing users for participating in scams. Participation in real life currency transactions is purely at user discression.
Do not abuse the Contact Us form with false reports, jokes, personal messages, spam, or otherwise irrelevant reports. Submitting repeated false reports, or otherwise abuse of the contact us form will result in warnings, silencing, and bans.
Do not post visible blacklists on-site. If you are having trouble with a user, use the blocking features as needed in your settings, or send a report through the Contact Us form to get help from staff.
Players found to be posing an immediate threat to the safety of others (through threats, doxxing, sexual harassment?especially involving minors, or other illegal activity) both on and off-site may be silenced or banned without warning.
Multiple accounts are allowed on 4dopt. However, warnings given to your account also count against every side account you own.
Using side accounts in an attempt to circumvent warnings, staff action, silencing, bans, etc. will result in a permanent ban on all of your accounts.
This also includes user blocks. Using alternate accounts to contact users who have blocked you may result in a warning, silencing, or ban.
If your account has already been silenced, contacting any player from an alternate account may result in an immediate ban.
Animated avatars are not allowed. Animated content may be removed by staff at any time to prevent eyestrain from other users on the site.
If you are found to be using animated content and receive a verbal notice from staff, do not attempt to put further content back up on the site. Disregard for staff requests to remove animated content, especially if repeated, may result in warnings or bans.
4dopt does not allow creators to re-use artwork (for species, items, or adoptables) that has previously been licensed to other websites that are not hosted on 4dopt's official web server, excluding social media sites (such as Tumblr) and art gallery websites (such as DeviantArt). This includes artwork assets as well as designs. A species or item cannot be redrawn for use on 4dopt if it too closely resembles a previously licensed design.